On Wed, Sep 15, 2021 at 4:03 AM m...@dyatkovskiy.com <m...@dyatkovskiy.com> 
> > The signature is wrong.
> Thanks for remark. Of course proper signature would be:
> def jin(a: Iterable[Optional[str]], sep=“ “):
>     # …
> > Why do you (ab)use compress for that?
> Well, it seems that it is subjective. To me “[None, x, y, z]” -> “[x, y, z]” 
> looks like “compression”. But if community agrees with your side, then, well, 
> it’s OK.

To me, that looks like filtering. The most common sort of filtering is
what the filter() function does - ask a predicate function whether
something's good or bad, and keep the good ones. The filtering done by
itertools.compress() is slightly different - look it up in a
corresponding list of "good" or "bad", and keep the good ones.

What you're looking at is asking a question about each element.
Specifically, you're asking "is this element truthy or falsy?". That
perfectly matches the filter() function.

> Alternatively indeed we can use:
> 2. Use "filter(None, a)”
> 3. (x for x in a if x)
> Why not to use #3?
> Only having #2 or #3, I would vote for “filter”. It is a builtin, and used to 
> be implemented as intrinsic. In cpython it has a separate “if”  branch for 
> case when first argument is “None” (see “filter_next” function in 
> “bltinmodule.c”)

There's no real difference between #2 and #3. If you feel more
comfortable writing comprehensions, write comprehensions. If you feel
more comfortable using builtins, use builtins. Either way, you're
expressing the concept "keep the ones that are true".

> #3 semantically is more complicated and it seems that there are no 
> optimizations at least in cpython (but perhaps I’m wrong?). So, it looks like 
> #3 is slower while parsing and while executing.
> #3 is bad choice for code maintenance. It is always better to pass variable 
> once. “(x for x in a if x)” contains micro code dups. Here, you put “x” three 
> times, and then if you decide to use something else you have to edit it in 
> three places. So #3 defeats if you want to reuse or just maintain such code.

Yeah, if that bothers you, use filter. Nothing wrong with either IMO.

> And yet, I still have a little hope about original proposal. I proposed to 
> add default value for second argument of “compress”.
> So thanks for you attention anyways, and let me know if it is still has a 
> chance to be accepted.

For it to be accepted, you have to convince people - particularly,
core devs - that it's of value. At the moment, I'm unconvinced, but on
the other hand, all you're proposing is a default value for a
currently-mandatory argument, so the bar isn't TOO high (it's not like
you're proposing to create a new language keyword or anything!).

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