On Sun, Oct 3, 2021 at 1:55 AM Debashish Palit <dpali...@outlook.com> wrote:
> Ok it is a 3 way flag, but the code is not awkward. 'c' is just a name I 
> chose - it does not mean anything.
> The check for a valid number can be used on a list of strings -
> [float(s) for s in lst if s.isfloat() is not None]
> No 3 way flag here. Difficult to do with EAFP.

If you want to filter a list to just those which don't raise
exceptions when you floatify them, just do that:

def floatify(n):
    try: return float(n)
    except ValueError: return None

[n for n in map(floatify, lst) if n is not None]

Not everything has to be a built-in. The more specific it is to your
purposes, the better to just write your own function.

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