On Sun, Nov 28, 2021, 7:49 PM Christopher Barker

> One example was a proposal a while back on this list for a "groupby" in
> itertools (it kind of withered on the vine, like many good ideas here), I
> suggested that it be made comprehension friendly, and some others including
> the OP) didn't see the point. Maybe that's not representative, but it's a
> trend I've noticed.

I liked Michael Selik's idea. But I think there were a few edge cases where
you, and I, and Mike, and others, each had sightly different ideas of best
behavior.  I don't really make much of the fact that no one actually got as
far as a PEP (both Mike and I had changing job situations during that
discussion period, I happen to know because I know him outside this list).

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