On Sun, Dec 12, 2021 at 05:34:33PM -0800, Paul Bryan wrote:

> 1. While I agree that assigning the `Annotated` value to `SomeType`
> makes `SomeType` a type alias, what do you call the specific instance
> of `Annotated[...]` itself?

Its a type. The specific type is a private implementation detail:

    >>> type(Annotated[int, 'something'])
    <class 'typing._AnnotatedAlias'>

I just call it a type alias. If you want to be precise, it is an alias 
to int, augmented with some extra metadata.

> To date, I've been referring to it as a
> type, but that's also muddying the waters here.

No no, it is absolutely a type! _AnnotatedAlias is an instance of type 

    >>> type(typing._AnnotatedAlias)
    <class 'type'>
    >>> isinstance(typing._AnnotatedAlias, type)

although Python plays some undocumented(?) shenanigans to make 
issubclass fail:

    >>> issubclass(Annotated[int, 'something'], type)
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
    TypeError: issubclass() arg 1 must be a class

> 2. I've been flyng fast and loose with the term "annotate". No help
> from PEP 593, which convolutes the situation with passages such as:

I will have a lot more to say on that in another post, replying to 
Brendan. Later.

> Getting concrete:
> Coordinate = Annotated[int, "a graph coordinate", ValueRange(-100, 100)]
> ...
> @dataclass
> class Point:
>   x: Annotated[Coordinate, "the horizontal coordinate"]
>   y: Annotated[Coordinate, "the vertical coordinate"]

PEP 593 is absolutely clear on the fact that the semantics of the 
metadata are up to the consumer, and that Python does not require it to 
be a type or to be treated as a type. It describes the metadata as

"an arbitrary list of Python values"

so we're fine to shove docstrings in there.

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