On Mon, Dec 13, 2021 at 05:10:52PM -0800, Paul Bryan wrote:

> In other words, strings would be reserved to specify documentation.

We can't reserve strings to specify documentation.

(1) Strings can be used for forward references.

    class Node:
        payload: Any  # Arbitrary data.
        next: Node  # Fails, because Node doesn't exist yet!

So we use a string for forward references:

    class Node:
        payload: Any  # Arbitrary data.
        next: "Node"

Technically, we could ask folks to write that as

    next: ForwardRef["Node"]

but I think most people will say "Not a chance".

Besides, if PEP 563 becomes standard, then all annotations will be 

(2) Annotated[...] metadata can be arbitrary objects, so we have to 
assume that somebody out there is already using strings as metadata.

This is why I think that the best we can do is an opt-in system where 
individual classes can choose to use string annotations as docs, but not 
a language default.

But you never know what the Steering Council will say unless you ask.

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