On Fri, 22 Apr 2022 at 15:47, Christopher Barker <python...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Sure -- but there's nothing special or difficult here -- refactoring can 
> create breaking changes. I believe it was part of Hettinger's thesis in 
> "Super Considered Super" that the use of super() is part of the API of a 
> class hierarchy. Indeed, the MRO of a class hierarchy is part of the API. If 
> you change the MRO, it is a potentially breaking change, just as if a method 
> is added or removed, or renamed, or ...

So I may not have been told a refactoring like that shouldn't involve
a new instance of overriding, but may I have essentially been told I
shouldn't refactor at all if I didn't want to create breaking changes?
I feel that's too much to be a kind alert since it seems just easy to
avoid introducing a new instance of over-riding.  (I understand super
would require more care to be used in the refactoring, even though a
little more, I think.)

Best regards,
Takuo Matsuoka
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