On Mon, 2 May 2022 at 18:46, Steven D'Aprano <st...@pearwood.info> wrote:
> But **not once** when I have read that same method later on have I
> regretted that those assignments are explicitly written out, or wished
> that they were implicit and invisible.

I have classes with 20+ parameters (packaging metadata). You can argue
that a dataclass would be better, or some other form of refactoring,
and you may actually be right. But it is a legitimate design for that
use case. In that sort of case, 20+ lines of assignments in the
constructor *are* actually rather unreadable, not just a pain to
write. Of course the real problem is that you often don't want to
*quite* assign the argument unchanged - `self.provides_extras =
set(provides_extras or [])` or `self.requires_python = requires_python
or specifiers.SpecifierSet()` are variations that break the whole
"just assign the argument unchanged" pattern.

As a variation on the issue, which the @ syntax *wouldn't* solve, in
classmethods for classes like this, I often find myself constructing
dictionaries of arguments, copying multiple values from one dict to
another, sometimes with the same sort of subtle variation as above:

    def from_other_args(cls, a, b, c, d):
        kw = {}
        kw["a"] = a
        kw["b"] = b
        kw["c"] = c
        kw["d"] = d
        return cls(**kw)

Again, in "real code", not all of these would be copied, or some would
have defaults, etc. The pattern's the same, though - enough args
arecopied to make the idea of marking them with an @ seem attractive.

Overall, as described I don't think the @arg proposal provides enough
benefit to justify new syntax (and I think trying to extend it would
end badly...). On the other hand, if someone were to come up with a
useful, general way of bulk-copying named values from one "place"[1]
to another, possibly with minor modifications, I think I'd find that
very useful. Call it a DSL for bulk data initialisation, if you like.
I think such a thing could pretty easily be designed as a library. But
I doubt anyone will bother, as adhoc "on the fly" solutions tend to be
sufficient in practice.


[1] A "place" might be a dictionary - dict["name"] or an object -
getattr(self, "name").
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