On Tue, 3 May 2022 at 05:56, <sam.z.e...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > (Plus not-yet-existing, but hopefully soon, redirect_stdin.)
> Mentioned on the redirect_stdio thread, I've now created a GitHub issue and 
> PR for contextlib.redirect_stdin.
> > I think I want to see some examples of how and why you would use it, and
> > why one couldn't just use the redirect_stdout context manager.
> One aspect that was mentioned in the original thread was the use of readline 
> support alongside and arrow-key functionality, I can look into what that 
> means in practice. The original post contained the example of switching 
> between different terminals.
> Using the prospective redirect_stdin context manager, the following code
> ```
> with open("/dev/tty", 'r+') as file:
>     with contextlib.redirect_stdin(file), contextlib.redirect_stdout(file):
>         name = input('Name: ')
> print(name)
> ```
> Could be rewritten like this
> ```
> with open('/dev/tty', 'r+') as file:
>     name = input('Name: ', infile=file, outfile=file)
> print(name)
> ```

Is it sufficiently common to need this *just* for the input call, and
not any corresponding print calls? The redirect context manager would
also affect print calls in its scope.

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