I've been unable to find a discussion on the following subject.

I think structural pattern matching could sometimes be more useful to
be available to form an expression than to form a statement.  To be
specific, given the definition of a function of the form

def f():
    match <expression>:
        case <pattern 1> if <condition 1>: return <expression 1>
        case <pattern 2> if <condition 2>: return <expression 2>
        case ...

I imagine something like

(<expression 1>) if <condition 1> case <pattern 1>\
    else <expression 2> if <condition 2> case <pattern 2>\
    else ...
    else <expression last> case _ match (<expression>)

as an expression such that it preceded by "lambda : " would specify an
equivalent function.  This of course doesn't fully characterize the
expression, which could be evaluated not just in the scope of the
function.  To in terms of the two functions, they could be equivalent
including how the local namespace is modified.

(You might look at a few remarks on the syntax at the bottom.)

What may it be good for?  Such an expression is analogous to a
conditional expression.

*** if ... else *** if ... else ***

An if-statement gives you a list of statements for each case, but a
conditional expression gives an expression for each case.  You'd more
like the latter at some places (while more the former at some other
places).  The similar thing can be thought of about structural pattern

On the other hand, a match statement can be more preferable than an
equivalent if-statement in some cases, so I think there can be
something more preferable than a conditional expression in similar

Here's a picture of the idea.

if-statement ======> conditional expression
|                                |
|                                |
V                                V
match statement ===> Do we want something here?

I expect some expressions using structural pattern matching would be
less repetitive to write and easier to read than equivalent
conditional expressions.  Comparison would be similar to that of match
statements with if-statements.

A larger theme may be a kind of expression associated to any kind of
compound statement.  Note the form of function like f above can be
considered with any kind of compound statement.  Namely, one can
consider a function whose code is a compound statement of the
considered kind with every suite a return statement, or perhaps
better, of the form
yield <expression>.  One may then wish for an "expression version" of
it like considred above for the case of match statement.

Another example of existing such thing than conditional expression is
comprehension, essentially corresponding to for-statement (where the
dict comprehension is a slight extension of it).  Similary, one may
consider comprehension corresponding to a while-loop instead of a
for-loop.  for-loop comprehension can also be done with the functions
map (and filter).  One can consider a similar function map_while (or
"apply_while"?) for while-comprehension.  Another thing about
comprehension is that the form of the model function f can very
meaningfully be modified so the suite is to be of the form yield from
<expression>.  I've seen a proposal of syntax for the corresponding

An expression analogue of match statement seems to be a good place to
start from (whether the larger theme may go anywhere).

Remarks on the syntax
(1) "if <condition i>" can be omitted where no guard is necessary.

(2) I expect the last case in the expression not being the wildcard
pattern "_" without a guard would result in SyntaxError raised.
(<expression last> can be None if the match statement in the original
definition of the function doesn't have this case.)

(3) Parentheses around <expression 1> and <expression> in the
expression are in case those expressions are themselves conditional or
similarly formed with structural pattern matching (let me call an
expression of the form a match expression for short).  Actual
necessity of parentheses in these and other places (such as around a
match expression within a conditional expression) depends on the order
in which parts are to be placed in a match expression, as well as
conventions such as whether priority be set between conditional and
match expressions.  Requiring some redundant parentheses any way
might help with avoiding bugs and/or making parsing easier (for
programs as well as for human beings).  Conditional expression seems
to be taking this approach.

>>> True if False if False else False else False
  File "<stdin>", line 1
    True if False if False else False else False
SyntaxError: invalid syntax

Best regards,
Takuo Matsuoka
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