On Wed, 1 Jun 2022 at 03:41, Christopher Barker <python...@gmail.com> wrote:
> In fact, I don’t think there’s been a breaking change since the Py3 
> transition.
> I think PEP 563 was going to be the first — and that’s been delayed.

Depends on your definition of "breaking". For instance, this code is
legal in Python 3.9, gives a DeprecationWarning in 3.10, and will
eventually be illegal:

>>> 5in range(10)

Technically, that's a breaking change. It's currently legal, and
eventually won't. But (a) very little code will use this
intentionally, and (b) it's trivially easy to fix it in a way that
works on older versions (since the more normal way of writing it, with
a space before the word "in", is compatible with every version of
Python known to mankind, or thereabouts).

Similarly, collections.Mapping has been deprecated since 3.3 (use
collections.abc.Mapping instead), and that's no longer legal. It, too,
gave a warning for a couple of versions.

Generally, with every new Python version, it's a good idea to check
the What's New for anything that's been removed, but for the most
part, code won't break, or if it does, it'll be only in very minor

(One thing that Python really tries extremely hard to avoid is
behavioural changes, where the same syntax is legal in multiple
versions, but does different things. Those are extremely difficult to
cope with in cross-version code.)

Making something illegal that was previously valid is definitely
possible, but it needs strong justification. Given that the "was this
a list or a numpy array?" question can never be answered safely when
you multiply by a positive integer, I'm dubious of the value of
detecting an error when you multiply by a negative integer. It would
be a backward compatibility break for fairly low value, in my opinion.

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