The idea is to have a `default_factory` like argument (either in the `field` 
function, or a new function entirely) that takes a function as an argument, and 
that function, with the value provided by `__init__`, is called and the return 
value is used as the value for the respective field. For example:
class Foo:
    x: str = field(init_fn=chr)

f = Foo(65)
f.x # "A"
The `chr` function is called, given the value `65` and `x` is set to its return 
value of `"A"`. I understand that there is both `__init__` and `__post_init__` 
which can be used for this purpose, but sometimes it isn't ideal to override 
them. If you overrided `__init__`, and were using `__post_init__`, you would 
need to manually call it, and in my case, `__post_init__` is implemented on a 
base class, which all other classes inherit, and so overloading it would 
require re-implementing the logic from it (and that's ignoring the fact that 
you also need to type the field with `InitVar` to even have it passed to 
`__post_init__` in the first place).

I've created a proof of concept, shown below:
def initfn(fn, default=None):
    class Inner:
        def __set_name__(_, owner_cls, owner_name):
            old_setattr = getattr(owner_cls, "__setattr__")

            def __setattr__(self, attr_name, value):

                if attr_name == owner_name:
                    # Bypass `__setattr__`
                    self.__dict__[attr_name] = fac(value)

                    old_setattr(self, attr_name, value)

            setattr(owner_cls, "__setattr__", __setattr__)

    def fac(value):
        if isinstance(value, Inner):
            return default

        return fn(value)

    return field(default=Inner())
It makes use of the fact that providing `default` as an argument to `field` 
means it checks the value for a `__set_name__` function, and calls it with the 
class and field name as arguments. Overriding `__setattr__` is just used to 
catch when a value is being assigned to a field, and if that field's name 
matches the name given to `__set_name__`, it calls the function on the value, 
at sets the field to that instead.
It can be used like so:
class Foo:
    x: str = initfn(fn=chr, default="Z")

f = Foo(65)
f2 = Foo()

f.x # "A"
f2.x # "Z"
It adds a little overhead, especially with having to override `__setattr__` 
however, I believe it would have very little overhead if directly implemented 
in the dataclass library.

Even in the case of being able to override one of the init functions, I still 
think it would be nice to have as a quality of life feature as I feel calling a 
function is too simple to want to override the functions, if that makes sense.

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