Steven D'Aprano writes:

 > A closed file is not *invalid*, it is just closed.

I think it's not very useful to focus on the individual words used
here.  I believe that Steve J's idea here is related to the fact that
an object is a namespace and an environment.  So the operation is not
"read from specified file", it's "read as appropriate in the specified
environment" (duck-typing), so the state of the environment of the
call (which is the implicit argument "self") is invalid.

I myself would argue it's not that the environment is in an invalid
state for reading, but that reading is an invalid operation on a
closed file.  I note that XEmacs Lisp's docstring for the error
function says:

    `invalid-operation' refers to all cases where code is trying to do
    something that's disallowed, or when an error occurred during an
    operation. (These two concepts are merged because there's no clear
    distinction between them.)

I want to emphasize the remark in parentheses.  It's frequently *very*
difficult to make distinctions that will be clear to all users of the
API, or even to all API users named "Steve". :-)  In my personal
opinion, the XEmacs Lisp hierarchy does a good job of specifying a
hierarchy that lends itself to clear distinctions.  YMMV on whether
that hierarchy is a good one, but I think the point is important:
there are no absolutes here, rather the quality of a distinction is
relative to the rest of the hierarchy, it depends on how well it fits

Bottom line: let's focus the argument on (1) where in the Python
exception hierarchy the new builtin exception would go, and (2) per
Paul Moore, if it could be used in the interpreter (I will add, or in
a variety of stdlib modules), and where.
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