On Thu, 2004-12-02 at 23:39, Kevin wrote:
> Hello All,
> I wanted to thank Roger Binn for his email.  He had
> the answer to my issue with writing speed.  It's
> actual made an incredible change in the preformace.  I
> didn't have to go all the way to implementing the
> synchronous mode(for my app).  Previously, I was
> insert one record at a time.  The key was to write
> them all at one time.  I moved up to a 13 meg file and
> wrote it to the db in secs.  Now the issue is the 120
> meg of RAM consumed by PyParse to read in a 13 meg
> file.  If anyone has thoughts on that, it would be
> great.  Otherwise, I will repost under a more specific
> email.
> db.execute("begin")
>     while i < TriNum
>            db.execute("""insert into TABLE(V1_x)
>                 values(%f),""" (data[i]))
>                 i = i + 1
> db.execute("commit")

for i in range( TriNum ):
        db.execute ... 

Or just (assuming that i doesn't start at 0 and TriNum could be less

for datum in data[i:TriNum]:
        db.execute ... datum # instead of data[i]

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