Jeff Shannon wrote:
Of course, just because modifications of the dict returned by globals() *do* reliably result in modifications to the global namespace, doesn't mean it's a good idea. ;)

"The" global namespace misses the possibility that doing this in "a" global namespace might be a good idea. For example, in the namespace of a special module intended to be used as a convenient way of accessing global information. See below.

Personally, I don't *want* to create variables by "magic" like that. I'd rather pass a few extra parameters around, and explicitly create any global names I need. If I really need to store objects under arbitrary names, then I probably should be using a regular dict (and passing it around as need be) instead of dumping stuff into globals().

The main way I use this is in some sort of a "const" module, which provides access to a large set of constant information. In other words, in contrast to what you had in mind when you wrote the above, I'm dealing with neither "variables" nor information that _would_ best be put in a dict.

The last time I did this I had a .h header file from C which I
wanted to wrap up for Python.  Rather than convert once, statically,
I had a module which loaded the .h file contents and
converted all lines which it recognized (mostly lines of the
form "#define XXX nnn") into Python names stuck into that module's

Other modules just do "import const" and then things like
"const.DAQmx_Val_Volts" to get access to any of the over 1700
defined values.

In general I would say that mucking with globals() like this is
probably best restricted to constants like in this case, if at all.


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