Terry Reedy wrote:
"Jp Calderone" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

On Fri, 17 Dec 2004 18:16:08 -0500, Terry Reedy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

For one-off uses not eligible for lambda treatment, where you really do not care about the name, use the same name, such as 'f', over and over, or a series such as f1, f2, ,,, or f,g,h. I have done all three in interactive explorations.

Terry J. Reedy

I disagree, the existence of the name itself is information as is lack of existence. If the name is absent there is an implication that it not required. An unnecessary name is visual noise.

The thing that is probably a bit stupid about lambdas (I admit to having done this) is

x = lambda a,b,c:.......

which could just as well be written

def x(a,b,c):return .........

with only a few extra characters.
Robin Becker

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