Fredrik Lundh wrote:
> John Machin wrote:
>  >
> >> > I forgot to add: I am using Python 2.3.4/Win32 (from The
> >> > code works in my interpreter.
> >>
> >> only if you type it into the interactive prompt.  see:
> >
> > No, it doesn't work at all, anywhere. Did you actually try this?
> the OP claims that it works in his ActiveState install (PythonWin?).
maybe he
> played with before typing in the commands he quoted; maybe
> Win contains some extra hacks?
> as I've illustrated earlier, it definitely doesn't work in a script
executed by a standard
> Python...
> </F>

It is quite possible that the OP played with before before
typing in the commands he quoted; however *you* claimed that it [his
quoted commands] worked "only if you type it into the interactive
prompt". It doesn't work, in the unqualified sense that I understood.

Anyway, enough of punch-ups about how many dunces can angle on the hat
of a pun -- I did appreciate your other posting about multiple patterns
and "lastindex"; thanks.


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