"Alex Martelli" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
BJörn Lindqvist <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I think it would be cool if you could refer to instance variables
without prefixing with "self." I know noone else thinks like me so

Some do -- Kent Beck's excellent book on TDD-by-example has a specific grouse against that in the chapter where he develops the unittest module (in Python). But that's how comes Kent is a _Smalltalk_ programmer rather than a _Python_ programmer, see?-)

And of course, the reason it's possible in Smalltalk but not in Python is that Smalltalk requires the declaration of instance variables. Also Smalltalk does not have things like module variables and builtins. The interpreter knows exactly what every name references, which isn't true in Python.

John Roth


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