Paul Rubin wrote:
"Reed L. O'Brien" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

I see rotor was removed for 2.4 and the docs say use an AES module
provided separately...  Is there a standard module that works alike or
an AES module that works alike but with better encryption?

If you mean a module in the distribution, the answer is no, for
political reasons.

.....I'm also missing the rotor module and regret that something useful was warned about and now removed with no plugin replacement.

I had understood that this was because rotor was insecure, but you mention politics. Are other useful modules to suffer from politics?

What exactly are/were the political reasons for rotor removal?

I might add that the source for rotormodule is still easily obtainable and can be compiled trivially as an extension for Python-2.4. Does the Python community take a position on the sources of removed modules?
Robin Becker

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