Will Stuyvesant wrote:
Perhaps this will even be a useful thread, to brighten the
life of the brave people doing the hard work of providing us
with error messages.

My first one (i'm learning, i'm learning) is

TypeError: 'callable-iterator' object is not callable

# >>> it = iter(lambda:0, 0)
# >>> it()
# TypeError: 'callable-iterator' object is not callable

Given that the supposed humour depends on the *name* of the object, which is "callable-iterator", I'd say it's probably not hard to come up with lots of "funny" error messages this way.

For example:

>>> def a():
...  print is_not
...  is_not = 0
>>> a()
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?
  File "<stdin>", line 2, in a
UnboundLocalError: local variable 'is_not' referenced before assignment

My funny bone must be broken today, though, because I don't
see these as very funny...

(Did you understand *why* you got your error?
You don't call iterators, you call .next() on them...)


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