matthew wrote:
> Hi,
> I have Python 2-4-2,
> Numpy 24.2, and  PyOpenGL- install, along with glut 3.7.
> The 1st 'funny' thing is that I always seem to get two pythons in
> /usr/local/bin, ie python and python2.4.  These are exactly the same
> timestamp and size.
That's probably because they are both links to the same file. The 
UNIX/Linux filesystem uses directory entries (links) to point to data 
files, and so these two are almost certainly referencing the same data.

> The other problem is that the demos in ../site-packages/OpenGL/Demo/tom
> crash with a segmentation fault, although others (eg in ../NeHe) work
> OK.
If you don't get a traceback or any other diagnostic output it's rather 
difficult to deduce what's causing the problem unless this is a known 
bug. It does appear there may be problems with both numpy and opengl.

> I would be most grateful for any help ...
Others may be more assistance with the seg fault.

Steve Holden       +44 150 684 7255  +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC/Ltd
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