Mark E. Fenner wrote:
> Michael Spencer wrote:
>> Mark E. Fenner wrote:
>>> and the copy is taking the majority (42%) of my execution time.
>>> So, I'd like to speed up my copy.  I had an explicit copy method that did
>>> what was needed and returned a new object, but this was quite a bit
>>> slower than using the standard lib copy.copy().
>> How are you measuring? It seems to me that your Rule.copy method is a lot
>> faster than copy.copy:
>>  >>> r=  Rule(range(100))
>>  >>> shell.timefunc(r.copy)
>> 'copy(...)  36458 iterations, 13.71usec per call'
>>  >>> from copy import copy
>>  >>> shell.timefunc(copy, r)
>> 'copy(...)  4498 iterations, 111.17usec per call' 
> <snip>
>> Michael
> Michael,
> Thank you.  I misinterpreted something somewhere ... the program is indeed
> faster using Rule.copy.  I need to look over the rest of my profiling data,
> to see if I screwed up elsewhere as well.
> So, how to optimize Rule.copy()?
> Regards,
> Mark

You're not doing much in the loop, so there isn't much to change:

     def copy2(self):
         new_rule = list.__new__(Rule)
         new_rule[:] = self
         return new_rule

measures slightly (5-10%) faster for me - but hardly worth the obscurity

You could bind allNew.append outside the loop, and perhaps merge the 
method into Rule.copy to save a call.

Given that a no-op method call, takes 2.7 usec on my machine, and you have 3 or 
4 method calls per copy, I suspect you're near the limit of a pure-Python 
solution with this object structure.

 >>> shell.timefunc(r.nop)
'nop(...)  185488 iterations, 2.70usec per call'

Assuming you're going to be doing some material work with these rules, I wonder 
if it's actually worth your the effort to make the copying go faster.

(Sorry no better ideas)



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