MrBlueSky wrote:
> I wonder if someone could clarify how Python "knows" where modules are
> - or at least point to some documentation that might help me?  Here's
> what I've been trying:
> I've installed Python 2.4 Windows, and have also installed tkinter,
> pmw, cx_Oracle, mssql and pytz (phew!) all under my c:\python24 folder.
> But when I try to "import pytz" or "import MSSQL" in a Python shell
> (via IDLE) it's not recognised - yet "import Tkinter", "import Pmw" and
> "import cx_Oracle" all work.
> I've experimented with "sys.path" to get the import of pytz to work,
> but without success so far.
> I feel as if I'm missing some key piece of information on how this all
> fits together!  Please, help!
> John

You may have to add the path of the module to a system environment
variable "PYTHONPATH" to make it work.


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