Wow I like the sound of "Learning a highly portable,
industrial-strength program like Vim or emacs is something I highly
recommend". I use Aquamacs (it's emacs with Mac OS-X Interface) and
emacs on other platform. It works great for me.

Neil Cerutti wrote:
> On 2006-08-24, JAG CHAN <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Friends, I am trying to learn Python. It will be of great help
> > to me if you let me know which one would be best editor for
> > learning Python. Plese note that I would like to have
> > multiplatform editor which will be useful for both LInux and
> > Windows XP.
> Start with IDLE, which will likely be available everywhere you
> use Python. The full instructions for using IDLE take up about
> two pages of text, which means it's lightweight, and it comes
> preconfigured with good Python integration.
> Learning a highly portable, industrial-strength program like Vim
> or emacs is something I highly recommend, but it's not
> necessarily a productive thing to do that at the same time you're
> learning Python.
> -- 
> Neil Cerutti


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