At Thursday 24/8/2006 13:22, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I've got a bit of code which has a dictionary nested within another
dictionary.  I'm trying to print out specific values from the inner
dict in a formatted string and I'm running into a roadblock.  I can't
figure out how to get a value from the inner dict into the string.  To
make this even more complicated this is being compiled into a large
string including other parts of the outer dict.

mydict = {'inner_dict':{'Value1':1, 'Value2':2}, 'foo':'bar',

print "foo is set to %(foo)s - Value One is: %(inner_dict['Value1'])s
and Value Two is: %(inner_dict['Value2'])s -- Hammers are used to pound
in %(Hammer)s" % mydict

The above fails looking for a key named 'inner_dict['Value1']' which
doesn't exist.

I can think of two ways:

a) Flatten your dictionary. That is, move the contents of inner_dict onto the outer dict:
Then use single names for interpolation

b) Do the interpolation in two steps.

template = "foo is set to %(foo)s - Value One is: %(Value1)s
and Value Two is: %(Value2)s -- Hammers are used to pound
in %(Hammer)s"
output = template % mydict['inner_dict']
output = output % mydict

Both methods assume that the inner dict takes precedence in case of name clashes; reverse the order if you want the opposite.

Gabriel Genellina
Softlab SRL

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