> I was initially leaning towards Rails due to maturity,
> but the most recent version of TurboGears seem to have
> fixed a lot of the "ad hoc" feeling I got from previous
> versions. But I'm still very much up in the air.
> Thanks,
> Ken

I've found that familiarity with Windows in the Ruby/Rails community is
less than in the Python/TG community. Ruby/Rails seems to have been
mainly *nix until fairly recently.

Sometimes the Windows version of a module or tutorial will lag
significantly. (ldap comes to mind.) Sometimes Windows-oriented
questions get pretty short shrift along the lines of: "Perish the
thought!" or "Why would you?" instead of serious treatment.

It's not a deal-breaker and neither community is perfect in this
respect. I now work mostly with Ruby/Rails, but I did Python/CherryPy
for quite a while, and that's my impression.



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