here's some of the surrounding code from the main program:

querystring = querystring + " ORDER BY keywords ";
import zsql

zc = zsql.connect()

print("return from open")

zq = zc.query(querystring).dictresult()

ronrsr wrote:
> no matter where I place this imported file,the statement after it in
> the main program gets a syntax error, regardless of the syntax.
> I think I may have changed something in this file, but I'm stuck.  Can
> anyone help?
> #!/usr/local/bin/python
> # Copyright 2004 by Stephen Masterman
> #Change the db connection details here.
> import MySQLdb
> def connect():
>    return =  MySQLdb.connect (host = "",
>                            user = "xxxx",
>                             passwd = "xxxxx",
>                       db = "homebase_zingers"
>                            );


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