On SourceForge you will find release 1.12 of my Python readline
module. If you don't want to hack the colors, there is no reason to
upgrade from 1.11 to 1.12. They *should* work the same.

But if you'd like to hack the iPython colors this new version makes it
possible.  In your ipythonrc file add a line like:

execfile hackcolors.py

Now in hackcolors.py you can change colors and backgrounds like this:

import readline

# reach deep into the bowels of readline to get the color table
escape_to_color = readline.rl.console.escape_to_color

# change a color
escape_to_color['0;32'] = 0x72

del escape_to_color
del readline


The two hex digits are the background and foreground color
respectively. In the example above I'm setting the color to green on a
grey background. Here is the table that is normally used to translate

  escape_to_color = { '0;30': 0x0,             #black
                      '0;31': 0x4,             #red
                      '0;32': 0x2,             #green
                      '0;33': 0x4+0x2,         #brown?
                      '0;34': 0x1,             #blue
                      '0;35': 0x1+0x4,         #purple
                      '0;36': 0x2+0x4,         #cyan
                      '0;37': 0x1+0x2+0x4,     #grey
                      '1;30': 0x1+0x2+0x4,     #dark gray
                      '1;31': 0x4+0x8,         #red
                      '1;32': 0x2+0x8,         #light green
                      '1;33': 0x4+0x2+0x8,     #yellow
                      '1;34': 0x1+0x8,         #light blue
                      '1;35': 0x1+0x4+0x8,     #light purple
                      '1;36': 0x1+0x2+0x8,     #light cyan
                      '1;37': 0x1+0x2+0x4+0x8, #white
                      '0': None,

An interested party should be able to arbitrarily map colors and their



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