"Michele Simionato" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hendrik van Rooyen wrote:
> > "Michele Simionato" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > but I don't see a way to retrieve the command line flags, where should
> > > I look?
> >
> > sys.argv()   ?
> >
> > - Hendrik
> No, read what Carsten said:
> """
> That doesn't answer the question. The OP wants to inspect the options
> passed to the interpreter, not the options passed to the script.
> optparse aids in parsing sys.argv, which only contains the options that
> are passed to the script. 
> """

True. - I was under the impression that sys.argv has all the stuff in it,
but it just ain't so - I made a file called junk.py containing two lines:

import sys
print sys.argv

and sys.argv just has junk.py in it, for both styles of command line.

I also noticed that if you do the following:

python junk.py -i

then the interpreter is not interactive.  I was also not aware that 
the options had positional dependency.

you could do a work around by calling it like this:

python -i junk.py -i

then sys.argv has the extra -i...

or better, insist on being told in both cases with say -i and -n at the end.

it does not answer the real question, though, as someone could lie to you.

- Hendrik


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