"Gregory Piñero" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi Python Experts,
> I hope I can explain this right.  I'll try.
> Background:
> I have a module that I leave running in a server role.  It has a
> module which has data in it that can change.  So every nth time a
> function in the server gets called, I want to reload the module so it
> has the freshest data.  But there's a lot of data so it takes 5-10
> seconds to do a reload.
> My question is:
> Would I be able to launch a seperate thread to reload the module while
> the server does it work?  Hopefully it would be using the old module
> data right up until the thread was finished reloading.

have you looked at putting the data into a persistent dict?

- Hendrik


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