Bjoern Schliessmann wrote:
> Tom Plunket wrote:
> > Often (always?) RISC architectures' instruction+operand lengths
> > are fixed to the word size of the machine.  E.g. the MIPS 3000 and
> > 4000 were 32 bits for every instruction, and PC was always a
>                                                ^^
> > multiple of four.
> Intels aren't RISC, are they?
I think that "PC" referred to the CPU's Program Counter.

The x86 CPUs if typical Windows PCs aren't RISC but Intel also
manufacture X-Scale (ARM core) processors which are.

> But for PowerPC it's the same, every instruction has 32 bit.
As are those of ARM processors like X-Scale (although some ARM
processors support the Thumb instruction set).


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