On Thu, 10 Feb 2005 13:39:29 -0700, Steven Bethard wrote:
> Yeah, I guess that was really the motivation of this module.  I 
> personally wouldn't use it all that often -- certainly not with the 
> frequency that I use, say, Python 2.4's set type -- but I think there 
> are enough of us out here who have written essentially the same module 
> enough times that it merits a little bit of standardization and addition 
> to the standard library.

If it expands past what was basically a slight elaboration on

class Bunch: pass

to actually do real work, I'd be much more impressed, as long as simple
things stay simple. A hierarchy-aware get might be a good start:

>>> config = Namespace()
>>> myParm = config.get("myapp.wrapping.line", constants.STRICT)
>>> someParms = config.get("myapp.settings.printer", Namespace())

which would create the necessary namespaces or something.

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