"Bart Ogryczak" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Mar 5, 10:51 am, Piet van Oostrum <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > >>>>> "Bart Ogryczak" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> (BO) wrote:
> > >BO> Any system with 8-bit bytes, which would mean any system made after
> > >BO> 1965. I'm not aware of any Python implementation for UNIVAC, so I
> > >BO> wouldn't worry ;-)
> >
> > 1965? I worked with non-8-byte machines (CDC) until the beginning of the
> > 80's. :=( In fact in that time the institution where Guido worked also had
> > a machine, but Python came later.
> Right, I should have written 'designed' not 'made'. UNIVACs also have
> been produced until early 1980s. Anyway, I'd call it
> paleoinformatics ;-)

The correct term is: "Data Processing", or DP for short.

- Hendrik


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