On Mar 8, 6:15 pm, "Gabriel Genellina" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> En Thu, 08 Mar 2007 14:25:02 -0300, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> escribió:
> All threads share the same memory space, there is not a "per-thread"
> memory allocator, if that's what you are thinking.
> Perhaps you hold a reference to some objects in the Thread object? Or you
> still keep the Thread object itself?

That is what I was thinking. A per-thread memory allocator of some
sort. What I need is run a lot of commands from a COM object that can
be run independently. There commands leak memory, so when the command
finishes, the memory consumption jumps to 800MBs or so. Which begs the
question, if I initialize the COM object in a separate thread and run
the command, does finishing the thread clean up any and all memory the
thread used or not. The output of each thread would actually be a file
on disk, therefore there is no need to pass any data between the
threads and the main program.

> > I did try the pythoncom.CoUnitialize() to release memory, but it
> > doesn't seem to work (it does work about 30-45 seconds after the
> > command is run).
> I don't understand what you say here.
> What means "it doesn't seem to work" and "it does work 30 seconds after"?

pythoncom.CoUninitialize(), if I am not mistaken, releases a COM
object (and therefore the memory it uses I assume). When the command
is run (in PythonWin for example), the memory is not released but
persists for quite a while. Using my watch and the Task Manager in
Windows I can see that the memory is released approximately 30 seconds
AFTER I run the pythoncom.CoUninitialize() command is run.

> What memory do you want to release "right away"?

The memory I want to release is the memory the COM object used (the
one initialized with the win32com Dispatch command). The "right-away"
is not much of an issue, but if I can release it before I run each
command from the COM object that leaks memory, it would be nice.
Running upwards to 800MBs of RAM for one 500 line python script seems
a little bit too much for me.

Thank you for your reply Gabriel. If you have any more input, I would
greatly appreciate it.


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