Frank wrote:
> Hi,
> does anyone know how one can test if, e.g., a dictionary 'name' has a
> key called 'name_key'?
> This would be possible:
> keys_of_names = names.keys()
> L = len(keys_of_names)
> for i in range(L):
> if keys_of_names[i] == name_key:
> print 'found'
> But certainly not efficient. I would expect there is something like:
> name.is_key(name_key)
> I appreciate your help!
> Frank
Others have posted the direct answer but often you are wanting to
do something with the key if it exists and the best method is:

try: names['name_key']+=1
except KeyError:
   # Key doesn't exist, create it, display error, or whatever you want
   # to do if it doesn't exist.


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