On Thu, 29 Mar 2007 11:25:38 +0530, krishnakant Mane <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>hello all,
>I have downloaded the entire twisted library.
>I am also trying to read the documentation but I have a couple of
>problems right now.
>firstly, I did not find any thing in twisted documentation that
>specifically talks about xml rpc.  am I missing some thing?
>secondly, if I am writing an entire application with its logic in an
>xml rpc server, do I have to create all my classes as instences of xml
>rpc server (just like I create a java servlet or a php script)?  or is
>it that I just create one xml rpc server class which is like the entri
>point for all other classes in the package?
>can you provide a couple of links to howtos or tutorials on creating
>xml rpc servers and clients  with twisted python?  I am also confused
>as to how will I mix the functionality of MySQLDB with twisted python?
>I am asking this because I felt twisted much cleaner to use than the
>modules coming with python itself.  again I may be wrong and some one
>might point me to the possible problems with this aproach in the long

Here's an example Twisted-based XML-RPC server:


When using MySQLdb with Twisted, twisted.enterprise.adbapi is useful.
This document explains it and gives some examples of its usage:



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