Robert Brewer wrote:

You *are* using a language with callable functions, right? ;)

def create_special_property(cls, f):
   # create special property based on f

class M(type):
    def __init__(cls, name, bases, dict):
       super(M, cls).__init__(name, bases, dict)
       for f in dict['_fieldDefs']:
           create_special_property(cls, f)
class C(A):
   _fieldDefs =[

base.create_special_property(C, DateColumn('start_date'))

You're absolutely right :) I can modify the class in place if I have access to the required modifications.

This seems more easily assimilable and definitely works in my cases.
Would it make sense to put the def create_special_property inside the metaclass as it then becomes available as a class method of A as well as being visible as cls.create_special_property(f) in the metaclass __init__?

Slightly off-topic: if you really want to make it pretty, add a custom
descriptor so you can write:

class C(A):
   id = IntColumn(primaryKey=1,allowNull=0)
   name = TextColumn(allowNull=0,size=50)
   description = TextColumn(allowNull=1,size=50)

I'll certainly take a look at this

See UnitProperty (the descriptor), MetaUnit (the metaclass), and Unit
(the domain object) in for
an implementation of mine which you can steal in toto (because it's
public domain).

-- Robin Becker


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