On Apr 26, 5:34 pm, EuGeNe Van den Bulke
> I do realize that the UK is not really part of Europe (no polemic :P)
> but I am nevertheless curious about the logic behind creating another
> major Python event in Europe. Wasn't EuroPython enough?
> Like many I am sure, I probably won't be able to attend both (and I
> really enjoyed the Geneva experience so definitely want to renew "it").
> How would you go about selecting which conference to attend?

I assume you have the same problem with the Italian one?

Seriously though, it is *great* to see the UK Python scene flourishing
(and the Italian one). The more events that happen the better, and I
don't think they need be in competition with each other... I *hope*
the Europython guys don't see it like that.


> They are only 2 months apart, 6 would have been easier for the
> attendees! Could the organizers liaise one way or another to make
> Pythoneers life as easy and fun as the language and give as much
> information out as possible as early as possible (early bird early) for
> people to make the best decision?
> I know marketing matters but ...
> EuGeNe --http://www.3kwa.com


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