Ilias Lazaridis wrote:
Joe Francia wrote:

Ilias Lazaridis wrote:


MinGW compatibility is not [only] my need.

It is an community need [at least partially]

You keep using that word "community". I do not think it means what you think it means.

The community is everyone around python (including me at this moment).

We could call i userbase, too, but one needs not to be a actual user to be a community member.

Well, I'm glad you cleared that up (even though you clearly missed the "Princess Bride" reference). As a member *and* user in the Python community, I hereby declare MinGW as unnecessary to the successful continuation of Python. When I need to compile extensions on win32, VS.NET works splendidly. (And gcc covers my FreeBSD & Linux extension compiling needs - I have no unusual demands or expectations that the Python "community" will support, say, the Intel C compiler on those platforms).

> what do you think about?

Oh, different things at different times, but it's usually not about MinGW support for Python.



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