On 2 May, 15:14, redcic <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I use the csv module of Python to write a file. My code is of the
> form :
> cw = csv.writer(open("out.txt", "wb"))
> cw.writerow([1,2,3])
> cw.writerow([10,20,30])
> And i get an out.txt file looking like:
> 1,2,3
> 10,20,30
> Whereas what I'd like to get is:
> 1,    2,    3,
> 10,  20,   30
> which is more readable.
> Can anybody help me to do so ?

How about pre-formatting the columns before hand before using
something like:

# List of formatting to apply to each column (change this to suit)
format = ['%03d', '%10s', '%10s']

data = [1, 10, 100]
print [fmt % d for fmt,d in zip(format,data)]

Results in: ['001', '        10', '       100']

Then write that using the CSV module.




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