"Peter Otten" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> Alan Isaac wrote:
> There is nothing wrong with the random module -- you get the same numbers
> every run. When there is no pyc-file Python uses some RAM to create it and
> therefore your GridPlayer instances are located in different memory
> locations and get different hash values. This in turn affects the order in
> which they occur when you iterate over the GridPlayer.players_played set.

This also explains Steven's results.

If  I sort the set before iterating over it,
the "anomaly" disappears.

This means that currently the use of sets
(and, I assume, dictionaries) as iterators
compromises replicability.  Is that a fair

For me (and apparently for a few others)
this was a very subtle problem.  Is there
a warning anywhere in the docs?  Should
there be?

Thanks again!!

Alan Isaac


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