Roy Smith wrote:

What I can't find an explanation for is why str.join() doesn't
automatically call str() on its arguments, so that e.g.
str.join([1,2,4,5]) would yield "1245", and ditto for e.g.
user-defined classes that have a __str__() defined.

That would be the wrong thing to do when the arguments are unicodes.

Why would it be wrong? I ask this with honest naivete, being quite ignorant of unicode issues.

As someone else demonstrated earlier...

>>> str(u'ü')
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<interactive input>", line 1, in ?
UnicodeError: ASCII encoding error: ordinal not in range(128)

Using str() on a unicode object works... IF all of the unicode characters are also in the ASCII charset. But if you're using non-ASCII unicode characters (and there's no point to using Unicode unless you are, or might be), then str() will throw an exception.

The Effbot mentioned a join() implementation that would be smart enough to do the right thing in this case, but it's not as simple as just implicitly calling str().

Jeff Shannon
Credit International


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