Tina I wrote:
> Kevin Walzer wrote:

> And maybe the smartest thing to do would be to dump PyQt and just go for 
> tkinter, however ugly it is :/

Tkinter doesn't have to be ugly.

I sell a proprietary Tkinter app commercially on OS X:


It takes some work to get Tkinter looking polished. You have to use 
extension packages for things like table views, tree views, 
platform-specific theming, and so on. Fortunately, all that stuff is 
available in Tkinter:

Tile for Tkinter: http://tkinter.unpythonic.net/wiki/TileWrapper

Tabelist for Tkinter (with Tile support): 

pyBwidgets: http://tkinter.unpythonic.net/bwidget/

Tile, Tablelist and BWidgets are my extension packages of choice. There 
are others as well.

Here's a sample application that uses some of the packages outlined above:

http://tkinter.unpythonic.net/wiki/PyLocateTile (includes Mac and 
X11-based screen shots)

It may not be worth your time to port from PyQt to Tkinter, but I did 
want to show a bit how you can create a polished GUI with Tkinter.

Kevin Walzer
Code by Kevin

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