I think the first question I would have is what kind of dynamic
content are you talking about?  Is this a web app kind of thing, or
just a content pushing site?

While Django might not be v1.0 yet, it seems very solid and stable,
and perfect for quickly building powerful content based dynamic sites.

Other Python frameworks might be well suited to other types of dynamic
sites.  (I like TurboGears for actual web apps...)

Depending on your needs you might also consider a non-python solution
(!) like Drupal.  (I'm not a PHP fan, but since other people have done
all that great work....:)

As others have said, there might be no framework currently in
existence that meets all of your requirements.  You'll need to work
with your team to decide what kinds of compromises you can all live

"A little government and a little luck are necessary in life, but only
a fool trusts either of them." -- P. J. O'Rourke

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