Mick Duprez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi All,
> I've installed Python 2.5 on a number of machines but on one I'm
> having problems with the CLI.
> If I fire up the 'cmd' dos box and type 'python' I get a line of
> gibberish and it locks up the cli, if I run the 'command' dos box
> I get a few lines of garbage and it crashes/closes the dos box.
> I've tried a re-install, checked my system paths etc but I can't
> get it to work, it works ok for running scripts from a dbl click
> in explorer for instance and from Idle, I just can't run scripts
> from the command line.
> I have installed -
> xp pro sp2
> Python25
> wxPython2.8 unicode
> numpy
> any clues to what's causing this behavior?
> tia,
> Mick.

What kind of gibberish? Actual garbage characters and the like?

Anyway, maybe try running which; this one should be easy to get 


But I have never used it, I use the one in this package:


It expects 'python.exe' or whatever, not just 'python', I would 
expect the gnuwin32 version to behave similarly.



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