Delaney, Timothy (Tim) wrote:

> Josh Ritter wrote:
>> A number of our Windows customers have an issue with the sqlite3
>> module included with Python 2.5.1
>> We've tracked the problem down to the sqlite3.dll included with the
>> Python 
>> 2.5.1 distrubtion.  It is stripped and thus cannot be relocated. 
>> This causes the following exception on computers where something is
>> already loaded into the address the sqlite3.dll wants to use:
>> File "sqlite3\__init__.pyc", line 24, in <module>
>> File "sqlite3\dbapi2.pyc", line 27, in <module>
>> ImportError: DLL load failed: Invalid access to memory location.
>> I downloaded the latest sqlite3.dll from and
>> this fixes the problem.  (This dll isn't stripped)
> Could you raise a bug report on SourceForge please?

OK - I've raised bug report 1733134 for this. I would strongly encourage
people though to get their own SourceForge account so they can
participate in the Python development process.


Tim Delaney

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