On Jun 11, 7:47 am, pradeep nair <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I would like to know how to pass keyboard input for a python script
> which is ran by another script.
> for eg:
> hello1.py:
> import os
> if __name__=='__main__':
>      print "I will call this other program called hello.py"
>      os.system("python hello.py")
>      print "hello1.py"
> hello.py:
> import os
> if __name__=='__main__':
>      print "press ENTER to display"
>      #code wer if the user hits enter
>      print "hello"
>      #else the user hits any other keyboard button:
>      sys.exit()
> now wen i run hello1.py,i want the  some function or utility in
> hello1.py that can pass the keyboard i/p  to hello.py .

Using pexpect: http://pexpect.sourceforge.net/


import pexpect

if __name__=='__main__':

     print "I will call this other program called hello.py"

     child = pexpect.spawn('python hello.py')
     child.expect ('\n')

     print "Received from hello.py: ", child.before

     entered = raw_input("> ")
     child.sendline (entered)
     child.expect ('\n')

     print "Received from hello.py: ", child.before


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