On 22 Feb 2005 09:14:50 GMT,
Duncan Booth <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Here's yet another way to achieve the same results. This version doesn't 
> iterate over any bits at all:

>>>> import operator
>>>> parity = [ False ]
>>>> for i in range(7):
>         parity += map(operator.not_, parity)

Very clever!  :-)

Picking a nit, that version iterates over *two* sets of bits.  The "for"
loop over each possible bit in the input values.  The "map" function
over the parity bits accumulated up to that point.  And the "+="
operator over those same bits again.  Make that *three* sets of bits.

I stand humbled.


Dan Sommers
Îâ à Îâ à c = 1

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