On Jul 31, 9:03 am, Gilles Ganault <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello
> I'm sure there's a much easier way to read a two-column, CSV file into
> an array, but I haven't found it in Google.
> Should I use the Array module instead?
> =========
> a = []
> i = 0
> #item<TAB>item<CRLF>
> p = re.compile("^(.+)\t(.+)$")
> for line in textlines:
>         m = p.search(line)
>         if m:
>                 a[i,0] = m.group(1)
>                 a[i,1] = m.group(2)
>                 i = i + 1
> for i in a.count:
>         for j in 2:
>                 print a[i,j]
> =======
> Thank you.

a = []
import csv
reader = csv.reader(open("filename", "r"), delimiter='\t' )
for row in reader:
    a.append( row )

I don't think you can have multidimensional arrays.
Did you test you program? It did not work for me.
I think mine would suit your requirements as the output is a list of


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