Neil Cerutti wrote:

>> Doesn't __init__ get called automatically ?
> It gets called automatically when you construct an instance of
> the class in which it's defined.

I am a little confused by your statements now.

In my earlier posts in the same thread, I gave some code example which was
something like this:

class Log:
        def __init__():
                if == 'posix':
                                import foobar
                        except ImportError, e:
                                print >> sys.stderr, e

(Sorry for the bad indentation)

Now, what do you mean here by "construct an instance of the class in which
it is defined" ?

__init__() _is_ defined in the Log class and I try to create an instance of
the class Log as:

log = Log()

Assuming it is run on a box which is POSIX compliant, the try/import should
fail and I should see an error message because there is no module named
foobar. But I don't see that. And this is what exactly I wanted to get
clarified in this whole thread. (But still haven't got a clear answer to a

Or am I terribly missing something that you are trying to tell ?

If possible, Please CC me when replying. I'm not subscribed to the list.


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