On Aug 27, 7:33 pm, Lawrence D'Oliveiro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
central.gen.new_zealand> wrote:
> In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Torsten Bronger wrote:
> > So I'd like to know a means to tell *explicitly* what I want to
> > import.  Maybe I could use the imp module but that's ugly.
> That seems to be the standard Python-provided way to explicitly import the
> file you want from the place you want.
> > I mean, there are hundreds of modules on my harddisk, so trying to avoid
> > nameclashs should not be the solution...
> That is what namespace qualifiers are for, e.g.
>     import my_custom_stuff.parser
> versus
>     import parser
> > John Machin writes:
> >> 2. Failure to RTFabulousM:
> >> """
> >> Details of the module searching and loading process are
> >> implementation and platform specific. It generally involves
> >> searching for a ``built- in'' module with the given name and then
> >> searching a list of locations given as sys.path.
> >> """
> > ... the whole systems seems largely arbitrary, which I don't
> > believe.  ;-)
> The documentation <http://docs.python.org/lib/module-sys.html> says quite
> clearly that the search order is controlled by sys.path. So why not
> manipulate that to get the effect you want?

Short answer: it doesn't work. The documentation that I quoted
previously says that if a module is is built in, it will be selected,
*before* sys.path is examined. The OP's original message stated quite
clearly that the directory containing his own parser.py is at the
front of sys.path.

> > "parser" is built-in on Windows but not on Linux.
> It is standard on all platforms
> <http://docs.python.org/lib/module-parser.html>.

"standard" != "builtin"


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